The Mountain Top Amateur Radio Association, MTARA, is located in the communities within the San Bernardino National Forest including Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs and Green Valley Lake, California. We welcome members and visitors from any area.
We are a group of licensed amateur radio operators and friends, young and old
The Mountain Top Amateur Radio Association, MTARA, is located in the communities within the San Bernardino National Forest including Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs and Green Valley Lake, California. We welcome members and visitors from any area.
We are a group of licensed amateur radio operators and friends, young and old, who wish to promote the amateur radio hobby through mentoring, license testing, communications training and community service in a fun, friendly and active environment.
Mountain Top Amateur Radio Association is a State of California Unincorporated Association and State Registered Charitable Trust. IRS 501(c)3. MTARA is a copyrighted trademark.
MTARA is now meeting once again at our regular location at the Lake Arrowhead Community Presbyterian Church.
We are also holding Radio Workshops and Field Trainings during the year once again.
Helping Other Hams and our Community
Ham Radio is the ability to communicate -- across the street, around the world, or even with people and satellites in space! Even when the power's out, and the land lines and cell phones don't work, with a battery, a radio, and a wire, ham radio is there.
Ham Radio lets us enjoy life-long friends, and a hands-on technical education
Ham Radio is the ability to communicate -- across the street, around the world, or even with people and satellites in space! Even when the power's out, and the land lines and cell phones don't work, with a battery, a radio, and a wire, ham radio is there.
Ham Radio lets us enjoy life-long friends, and a hands-on technical education. It provides the resources and encouragement to experiment with new things and to design and build on the latest communications technologies.
You can't say that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon! You can go anywhere you want, without boundaries, and amateur radio can help you get there! - by Doug Lamb, K4EK
Field Day 2024
Field Day is Saturday, June 29th. We have plenty of activities planned and will hold our member raffle too. Activities start at 10:00 am and we will end at 4:00 with the drawings for the raffle prices.
ALA 4th of July
The Arrowhead Lake Association 4th of July fireworks will be held on Friday, July 5th this year. MTARA, EC
Field Day 2024
Field Day is Saturday, June 29th. We have plenty of activities planned and will hold our member raffle too. Activities start at 10:00 am and we will end at 4:00 with the drawings for the raffle prices.
ALA 4th of July
The Arrowhead Lake Association 4th of July fireworks will be held on Friday, July 5th this year. MTARA, ECS, CERT and ARES will be providing communications along the perimeter of the lake and at the beach clubs.
Tour de Big Bear
the Tour de Big Bear will be held on August 3rd, 2024. Over 30 MTARA members will be providing the communications along the different ride distances for the over 2000 riders.
Kodiak 100
MTARA members will be supporting the Kodiak 100 two day event in Big Bear. Dates are TBD.
Gran Fondo
The Gran Fondo mountain bike ride will be held once again in Big Bear. MTARA members will be located along the mountain area trails, aid stations and in SAG vehicles providing communications to support the event.
President - Vic Marquez, KK6WKI
Vice President - Lorna Polly, KJ6GFS
Secretary -Gail Brarmann, KM6GBN
Treasurer -Nancy Karlson, K6CUB
Past President - Lorna Polly, KJ6GFS
Education/Membership - Tracy Lenocker WM6T
Denise"Dee", N6DEE
Gail, KM6GBN
Jaye, KJ7AHK
Gary, AA6GJ
Tracy, WM6T
Lorna, KJ6GFS
Our next meeting is April 1st, 2025 at 7:00 pm. The plan is for an in-person meeting but has been happening this winter if the conditions are dangerous for any members we will have a Zoom meeting instead. Emails will be sent out at least 4 days before the meeting date.
Gary, AA6GJ, will do part 2 of his presentation on “Why We Use LSB on 40, 80, and 160 meters and USB on 10 MHz and Up: A Short Story.”
There will be an Elmer presentation as well.
Monday 7:00 pm - MTARA net on MTARA2
Tuesday 7:00 pm - MTARA 220 Net on MTARA5